Heading in the direction that you think Winston went, you run and run until you are almost out of breath. You realize that it’s too dark to see, and looking around you, you notice that there is no sign of the giant anymore. You suddenly realize that you are lost at night in the wide open desert. Just before you panic, Winston flutters down, and perches onto your shoulder.
“We’re going about this the wrong way, mate,” Winston says. “We don’t want to stay lost out here for long! There’s a reason why people are afraid of the dark, and a bunch of those reasons live out here.”
Now you are scared in a different way. As you wonder if there is anything dangerous near you, you hear a gentle rumbling as of distant thunder, and notice the clouds ahead of you begin to flash and glow faintly. The lightning seems to arc across the sky instead of its normal direction. It lights the ground enough for you to know there isn’t anything harmful in your path.
Your feet are killing you and you can’t imagine walking much more. You are about to ask Winston how he can be flying slower than you are walking when you bump into a sign that seemed to show up out of nowhere. You notice that you have stepped onto the asphalt of a road, and looking to the left and the right, you see that it stretches as far as the eye can see. To the left, at some distance, you see the glow of an electric lamp shining in the dark.
“Isn’t this the same bus line that we were on earlier?” you ask.
“Sure is, mate,” WInston says, “And I’d bet it stops right over there.”
Following the road to the light, you see a small building built just off the side of the road. There is a small paved platform covered by a roof, and a sign indicating that it is a highway rest stop.The two of you walk over.
“Let’s find the most comfortable place to sleep for the night and we’ll catch the bus in the morning.” you say. Winston snuggles up to you as you lay down on a bench.
Destiny Discovered.