
The bus begins to move, while Winston seems frozen. The next stop isn’t far away but it seems like it took forever to get there. The magician gets up from his seat and heads towards the door.

“What a pretty bird,” someone says as they leave the bus.

You tense up until you realize that the magician had already disembarked. You pick up Winston and put him on your lap. His eyes widen as you feel a hand grab your shoulder.

“Come with me” a man with a deep voice bellows. “You can’t travel with animals on this bus. You are endangering everyone in here. What if your bird distracted the driver!” You notice that he wears a uniform identifying him as a transportation officer as he escorts you off of the bus.

Trying not to be seen, you run into the first building you can find. It is filled with strangely decorated boxes, chests, and colorful capes and curtains, and after a moment you realize that you just ran into a magic shop.

“There you are, Winston,” the magician says. “Thought you could run away from me, did you!”

You hope that Winston can transport you away again, but you notice that he is in shock. The magician grabs him and before you can do anything, the two of them vanish into thin air. Everyone around you claps at what they mistakenly think is a magic trick. Your head hangs low as you wonder how you will get home. You work in the magic shop until you make enough money to buy a ticket home.

Destiny Discovered