You are chewing your food when you realize that there isn’t smoke billowing from the woods. “You were right, Winston,” you admit.
“Trust me, mate,” Winston tells you. “ A bird knows how to survive. You need to conserve your energy and enjoy your surroundings. If things go bad, you can just fly away.”
“Maybe you can, but I am not that lucky. I would need a better plan,” you say. “Speaking of plans, what is ours?”
“Want to learn some magic?” Winston asks.
“Definitely,” you reply.
You spend your time learning from the magical bird. Before long, you become a local magician with your cockatoo sidekick. People are amazed by your tricks which are part show and part actual magic from Winston. Your show becomes well known in town and soon you are performing all around Australia. As your fame grows, so does the number of international performances. You become the most famous magician in the world.
Destiny Discovered