
Without hesitation, you grab some loose wires and attach the brick to the GPS device. As expected, the GPS device suddenly comes to life like a miniature automaton. You ask the GPS to locate the pet shop using the material in the brick as a source.

It takes a couple of hours to get to the location. You see that the pet shop is now on top of a high, steep hill. You barely have enough energy to climb the hill, but you can’t wait to confront the pet shop owner.

Before you can open the front door, it suddenly swings open revealing the pet shop owner.

“You took them on quite a walk, didn’t you?” the pet owner shop jokes.

“We did more than that!” you reply.

“You do have the brick I tossed you, right?” the pet shop owner asks.

“You think you tossed it to me?” you say.

“That doesn’t matter,” the pet shop owner says, interrupting you. “Now you have it and I think you are going to want to keep it once I tell you what it will do for you.”

“What is that?” you ask.

“I’m sure you are fond of those three puppies there,” he says. “After all, you came to my shop looking for a pet. I am willing to bet that you can’t pick one over the other two.”

“You’re right,” you reply.

“Well, I want you to have all three,” he says.

“Really,” you ask.

“Yes,” he says. “And you will want to keep that brick in a special place.”

“Sure, but why,” you ask.

“Because, as long as you keep that brick, those puppies will grow up at the same time as you do, and will be with you for the rest of your life.”

You find a special place for the brick and take care of it and your new friends for the rest of your life.

Destiny Discovered