
Finding your chance, you slip out the door and down the stairs just before the pet shop owner sees you. At the bottom of the stairs, you find yourself in a large corridor in the main part of the pet shop. There are open doorways leading into rooms full of animals. You duck into one just as the pet shop owner comes down the corridor.

The pet shop owner walks past your hiding place and into his office. Now that you know where he is, you quietly run up the stairs and open the crate to let out Neko-chan./

“Did you see where he went?” Neko-chan asks.

“Yeah,” you say. “He is in his office. I’ll lead the way.”/

Soon the two of you are hiding just beyond the door to the office. You see that he is talking to someone projected on a large wall screen. You listen in on the conversation.

“You have the six creatures?” the mysterious projected figure asks.

“I have five, my master, and I’m close to finding the basilisk,” the pet shop owner says. “I need just a little more time.”

“This has taken too long already,” the master says. “We will have to change course. Retrieve the five mythical creatures and bring them to the altar in the temple. Although it isn’t ideal, I will immobilize them myself.”

“Yes, my master,” the pet shop owner says, bowing to the image on the screen.

The pet shop owner gets up and starts to pace back and forth. “Not ideal he says, I already know that,” the pet shop owner says. “How can we be out of time? I’m going to find that snake and transform him into the basilisk we need.” He leaves, heading to the snake enclosure.

“Snake?” you say to Neko-chan. “I thought the basilisk was a kind of lizard.”

“It could be either one but I don’t think the pet shop owner realizes that,” Neko-chan says, “and we can use that to our advantage. Come on, let’s go!”

You say:

“We don’t know if there really is a basilisk lizard here. Let’s find the five other trapped creatures.”{C-8-A}


“I saw where the lizards are kept. Let’s search for the basilisk there.” {C-8-B}