
Following Tocayo and Sunny, you carry the baby marmoset deep into the steamy lowland rainforest. You look all around trying to find any sign that might help you locate the baby’s family. You hear what seems to be singing in the distance and then the baby marmoset starts singing along. The marmoset tugs on your wing and points to an opening in the canopy. When you land, you see a thin man dressed in shorts and a bowling shirt standing there with a marmoset on his shoulder. You are surprised when you notice that he is singing the song instead of the monkey.

“What do we have here?” the man says, as the monkey climbs down from his shoulder and into his hand. “I’ve never seen a marmoset pilot,” the man laughs as he points to the monkey on your back. “You are an interesting bunch. How fortunate to have run into you. What brought all of you to me today?”

“We are trying to find this little marmoset’s family and get him home,” Tocayo says.

“Maybe your companion knows something that can help us,” you say.

“He isn’t from around here, so I’m afraid he won’t be much help,” the man interjects before the marmoset can answer. “I, on the other hand, know a great deal about the wildlife here in the jungle.”

“You do?” Sunny asks. “Then why are you dressed like that?”

“Ha! Appearances matter much?” the man retorts. “I’m offering to find your way home and you are questioning my motives?”

“No,” Sunny replies, “just your choice of clothing. I’ve never seen anyone dressed like that here in the jungle.”

“I like to be comfortable on my conquests… I mean adventures. Now back to the important thing, which is finding our little friend here a home. I can definitely help you with that.”

You say:

“All we want is a secure way home. Can you help us?” {B-V-C}


“Why hasn’t your marmoset said anything?” {B-V-D}